Order Day-Old Chicks From Us!

If your objective is raising pasture broilers and early hi-end pasture layers, then you’ve come to the right place. Order chicks from Bob’s Biddies and rest assured that they are healthy and free from diseases.

chick, hatched, cub-2232987.jpg

We can ship just about anywhere there is a post office (minimum of 25 chicks to ship safely) or pick-ups are available for those who are local or want a nice drive to get away for a while. We look forward to hearing from you.

Bob’s Biddies

We would like to introduce you to Bob’s Biddies LLC. We are a locally owned and operated chicken hatchery just outside of Ray City, GA. Our farm is certified by the National Poultry Improvement Program (NPIP), and our motto is “backyard-grown and backyard-hatched.” All our day-old chicks are just like what your grandparents used to raise with all-natural feed.

We have incorporated the use of non-GMO feed that is used for all our parent stock. That means that we are chemical and additive free, all natural, so our birds are healthier and happier.

For all of you 4-H and FFA kids out there, several of our breeds have taken blue ribbons in past years; one of our very own Dominique’s took Grand Champion at the National Poultry Show in 2016 by one of our regular customers.