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In Loving Memory…

For those of you who do not know, Bobby R. Berry passed away on 2 June 2022. He is the reason that the two of us started Bob’s Biddies over 17 years ago. It is so hard to write this as I miss him sooo much and always will. Please be patient with us as we transition without Bob, as my head is not 100% focused on our business nor on anything else right now.

I want to thank all of our customers who we think of as friends for reaching out with your kind words of support and offers of help in this very difficult time. I will be honest with you…I don’t know how to accept help, I was raised to be independent, self-sufficient and stubborn, but you have taught me that it is ok to accept help when offered and I am trying. Thank you all for the prayers sent our way when Bob was so sick, it did ease his way into Heaven. May those prayers be returned to you tenfold in your time of need.

Everyone says it will get easier to deal with the grief as time goes by but right now it seems like yesterday that I lost my heart, my soulmate, my friend, my everything….